The police said Suruthika, of Kanthavanam near Melattur, was sleeping in her home early on Wednesday when a portion of the wall collapsed in heavy rain, crushing her to death. Her mother Sundari, 30, and brother Surya, 8, who were also injured in the mishap are undergoing treatment at Thanjavur Government Hospital.
In another rain-related death, floodwaters washed away 20-year-old Kalyanasundaram J., of Sakkimangalam in Madurai district, when he was bathing with his friends in the Vaigai river on Tuesday. Fire service personnel retrieved his body on Wednesday after an intense search.
In Kanyakumari several children escaped injury or death when a government primary school in Kanyakumari collapsed Wednesday morning. Earlier, torrential rain claimed the lives of two women in Palani Tuesday night.
The police said Mahamayee and her daughter-in-law Mallika were killed when the mud wall of their house collapsed. Their bodies were recovered from the debris. Mallika’s daughter Abinaya, 2, sustained grievous injuries and has been admitted to Madurai Rajaji Hospital. Her condition is said to be critical.
Weathermen in Chennai predicted that heavy rainfall could continue up to the end of the month. “While the southern districts have received the most rainfall over the past few days, our models indicate that precipitation may spread to northern parts of the state over the coming days,” said Y.E.A. Raj, deputy director general, Regional Meteorological Centre. “As the low pressure trough over the state remains potent, we can expect good rainfall for the six or seven days.”Met department officials pointed out that the northeast monsoon has now become fully active over Tamil Nadu and rainfall this year could be bountiful as it has been over the past few years.
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